Grazac is closing the gap between youths and entry level jobs in the technology industry.
Everyday, more people enter the labour market than the number of jobs being created. Research has it that job seekers are applying for more than 20 jobs per day.
The era of covid is hastening the growth of digital companies and at the same time modifying the employment space for youths. The job space is really going digital and the implication is that digital skill sets are in high demand.
However, it seems that the skills available in the labour market are no match to the requirements of employers. How is Nigeria’s rapidly increasing youths preparing to take on these new digital jobs?
The big question here is “Are Nigeria youths equipped with the skill sets needed in this new era?”
If Africa will rise and if Nigeria will develop, we must not overlook the tech space and our youths. Technological advancement is the inroad to Africa’s rising. We must tackle unemployment in Nigeria so that young people can develop the tech ecosystem.
Grazac as a company is set to advance the economy of Africa by upskilling at least 1000 unemployed and underemployed graduates, In developing Africa, we strongly believe the youths cannot be left out.
Every industry and sector in the nation must seek to embrace technological advancement in full force.
However, if youths will reshape the tech ecosystem, they must be equipped with the tools and skills needed. If youths are given employment without being equipped, more damage will be done in the various sectors.
At Grazac, we are highly concerned. The rate of unemployment is indeed alarming, but we won’t also fail to mention that our youths are not prepared for the tiny bits of jobs available. A close analysis of the digital sector shows a huge competency-based skills deficit.
Our academy is set up to bridge the gap between unemployment and entry-level jobs in the technology industry. We provide youths with the right training, mentorship, tools and contents needed to upskill themselves so that they can become employable in at least 4 months.
How do we achieve this?
We make available expert Instructors that will teach and train youths through different courses in their career paths. Students are given real-life problems to solve by applying what they learn in our academy.
Also, youths can leverage on the experience of those who have gone ahead in various fields through our mentorship access.
Upon completion of training, we put our students in the recruitment process with tech companies so that they can take a stride into their dream career and gain relevant experience for at least 1 year.
Creating an enabling environment for skill acquisition and capacity building is core to making Nigerian youths job ready. We seek to reduce the rate of unemployment in the nation and we are not relenting on this vision.
How can you be part of this?
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5. Complete your registration via the link in your inbox
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